After 27 hours, the wife gave birth to a baby girl, and the man received the news that took him to his knees.

The birth of a kid brings the two couples together and makes them a stronger family.

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For parents, the first few days following a baby’s birth should be the most idyllic time in the world as they discover together the mysteries of raising a baby.

Matt Logelin’s life was flipped upside down only 27 hours after his wife gave birth. The most wonderful event of his life has flipped 180 degrees. However, this is how it all began:

When Matt and Liz first met in high school, they immediately fell in love. Despite their distance during college, they made the decision to stay together.

The two struggled to make the relationship work, and when Matt went to Los Angeles, their perseverance was rewarded. Everything appeared to ease down for them once they moved in together.

When Lis and her husband learned that she was expecting a child in 2007, they were ecstatic. The doctors recommended her to stay in bed for three weeks because she was carrying a very complex pregnancy and felt awful in the morning.

Following Liz’s hospitalization for continual observation, Matt established a blog where he updated his loved ones on a daily basis.

Liz underwent an emergency cesarean surgery on March 24, 2008, and gave birth to tiny Madeline. Liz barely had a brief opportunity to meet the baby before the staff rushed her to the urgent care unit.

And Matt was in the happiest of moods since he published the first images of the daughter on his blog.

But when Liz finally got to see and hug the newborn girl for the first time, 27 hours had passed. She claimed that after getting out of bed, she felt ill and then dizzy.

The staff informed Matt that it was typical for young moms to faint, but they quickly recognized it was something far more serious.

“We just became aware of it at that time. Here at the hospital, she was going to pass away today.”  Additionally, Matt said that she had never been able to hold her child in her arms.

Sadly the doctors were powerless to save her. He was left alone with the young girl despite the fact that it was meant to be the most wonderful day of his life.

Now, he is a loving father, and Madeline will one day know what a courageous mother she had.