7 signs that your guardian angel is trying to tell you something

Guardian angel believers report that a guardian angel may visit you in a dream to let you know that they are watching over you. They may be trying to deliver some kind of message, or they may simply be reassuring you about their presence.

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2. Different Colored Lights Will Appear
Seeing shafts of light or shooting around you are definite indications of angels. You may notice sparks of light or become very aware of shadows around you. Don’t be afraid. Angels are not out to harm you. This is usually indicative that they are trying to reach you directly from their plane.

3. Temperature changes
The room may get warmer or colder inexplicably. The way the angels vibrate can slow down or speed up the molecules in the air, resulting in a change in temperature. Pay attention to what you are doing or thinking and feel what is being communicated.

4. Pennies and dimes
If you keep finding coins, it is a sign from your angel and a symbol of support. So if you find coins, you should know that you are loved, supported and guided.